Laurie Hoirup is an incredible person. She’s bright, talented, funny, and friendly—always taking time to welcome others into the fold and make them feel comfortable.
She also has a profound disability, a form of MD that causes her to be wheelchair bound. In fact, Laurie has been in a wheelchair since she was almost six years old. That doesn’t stop this woman from living a successful and fulfilling life. As I get to know her, I’ve come to believe there is nothing that can stop her once she makes up her mind.
Laurie recently told a group of writers at the California Writer’s Club what she learned when she took her memoir I Can Dance: My Life with a Disability on a book-signing tour across the United States.
Since hearing Laurie speak, I’ve read her memoir, and I want to tell everybody about it. Like Laurie herself, the book is smart and funny. It is practical and honest as well. She tells her readers how others care for her hygiene and about what it’s like for a person with her disability to have sex (she has two children). Topics people want to know about and understand.
Laurie paints a picture of parents who instilled in her a “can-do” attitude and helped her believe in herself and the fact that she deserves to have a full and wonderful life. She shares her challenges and how she overcame them–how she is still overcoming what life throws her way.
This book will benefit everyone who reads it—family and friends of the disabled, as well as disabled people looking for help and inspiration. Heck, I recommend it to everyone. Period. It has helped me see my own life through a renewed prism of possibility.
Learn more about Laurie at
This really does sound like a must read. I have met Laurie several times and she really is an inspiring person. Thanks for the review.
So good to hear from you, Rosi.
Thank you so very much for that wonderful commentary about both, myself and my memoir. I am especially happy that you enjoyed the book and got something out of it. I really appreciate the great promotion!
My absolute pleasure, Laurie.