When a book signing turns into much more

November 23, 2014
Margie and me ready to sign books

Margie and I ready to sign books

Today is a day of gratitude.

If you check my Twitter page or Facebook, you will see my face plastered everywhere, along with those lovely faces of friends and family.  The reason? A book signing in Placerville, CA at the Placerville News Company—a store that carries my YA novel This Side of Forever.

The day was perfect, in my humble opinion, because it was raining. I love the rain. I did wonder, however, how signing books outside under an awning was going to work in inclement weather. Surely nobody would show up or even walk by our display table.

Boy, was I in for a surprise.

My author pal, Margie Yee Webb, shared the table with me, replete with a wonderful array of books—including her inspirational Cat Mulan’s Mindful Musings, based on the wisdom of her kitty. Margie is always fun and her book makes for a great Christmas gift for cat lovers.

Placerville was bustling—couples, families and singles all taking in the shops with their treasures. We had our share of folks stopping at our table and chatting. Sales were nice.

This was my first surprise

This was my first surprise

     At one point, I looked up to find a young man, quite handsome at 15, grinning my way.  It was my grandson, Blaise! His family, Mom Kristi and Dad Terry, had piled into their truck and driven through the rain to support me. Wow, I didn’t expect that.

Next, and this was also a complete surprise, my niece Sheryl, her husband Ray, and their darling son, Roffa,  appeared, smiling their beautiful smiles.

My friend Charla and her daughter Michelle showed up as well.

All of these people drove some distance to be with me.

Why am I waxing rhapsodic about something that happens often in families? Well, I was thinking about the fact that there is so much unexpected love and joy in this world. Sometimes we don’t notice. Sometimes we can’t notice. But the love is still there when we are ready and able to take it in. Yesterday was a great example of this for me, what with my published novel available for sale, my friends and family close by, and all of the good people in Placerville stopping to visit with Margie and me.

Sheryl, Roffa and Me

Sheryl, Roffa and Me

I am grateful and wanted to share that gratitude with ya’ll.

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