Compelling Six-Word Stories

May 28, 2014

Check Out The New Stories by Greenwood Writers

Girl writing on sandAs some of you know, I teach creative writing as well as being an author. I love teaching. It is the second great love of my life. So I was really taken when I came across a Huff Post article by Sara Roncero-Menendez about writers who tell entire stories in six words.This isn’t a new thing. It’s been around for decades.hemingway-writing-blog-post-570x200

Some say it began with Ernest Hemingway’s masterpiece—“For sale: baby shoes, never worn”—but it’s new to me, and it’s fairly new to Reddit and Tumbler.

I decided to ask my Facebook followers to submit their stories. What I got is a number of wonderful tales.



  • These substances: once me. No longer.   D.J. Stipe
  • Life without love—what’s the point?   Tim Cocker
  • but not forgotten, because i write       Elizabeth Ward Pabst
  • Negative words planted, produce toxic fruit    Debbie Cocker Rosales
  • I jumped, I pulled, chute failed.  Heath Langle
  • Your life depends. Heart Begs. Breathe.   Laura Lee Brennan
  • Designer cologne helped mask the fear.   Gil Tisnado
  • SIN stands for self-inflicted nonsense.   Alan Dolit
  • Loveliness here missed. Eternal Angelic company.   Sheryl Saturnino

My own:

Your skin, whisper soft, soon gone.



  • Crash, helicopter, hospital, intensive care, dead. Jeanine DeBerry
  • Lake Tahoe in rearview mirror. Freedom.
  • Thinking outside the box. Living outside. Two tales by Joann Eisenbrandt

Thanks to all who participated.

Guy writingIn future, I’ll ask my students to write their six-word memoirs, although story subjects can include such things as race, love, sexual orientation, class, religion and gender.

Post your stories in any category to my Facebook page,

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